Thesis Topic: 7 Ways To Choose A Research Topic.

Thesis Topic

A thesis topic is the first step in a research work required for the award of an academic degree.

Undergraduates and postgraduate students are therefore required to choose a thesis topic for their research project at the end of their academic program.

For many students especially undergraduates who have never undertaken such a task before, the assignment can be daunting.

The first step in writing a research work, which is choosing the thesis topic, is most of the time the most difficult.

For students studying for a college degree, choosing a thesis topic will determine the success or failure of the project.

It is therefore important for students to choose the correct thesis topic so as not to get frustrated along the way.

Without having a good and clear thesis topic you stand the risk of missing your way writing the research.

The thesis topic tells you and those reading the project what the research work is about.

Below are some ways that can help students craft and settle on a good thesis topic.

Research the Thesis Topic.

The importance of researching your thesis topic cannot be overemphasized as it is the compass that will guide you throughout the process.

It is during the process of researching your thesis topic that you’ll discover the feasibility of the topic.

Sometimes a topic might seem interesting and easy in theory but can throw up a lot of challenges when writing it.

When you do not research a topic before embarking on writing it, you run the risk of being frustrated halfway through the work.

Don’t Follow the Crowd, Follow Your Passion.

Many students in academic research fall into the error of joining the bandwagon in selecting popular topics.

Writing a research work is not a walk in the park. You will face an uphill task if you have little or no interest in the topic.

So go for a topic that interests you, because when the going gets tough, it’s only your passion that will keep you going.

Avoid a Topic that’s too Broad.

Selecting a topic that’s too broad will confuse you. A broad topic is one with too many resources and data.

The problem with broad topics is that it is difficult to gather the data and information and present them in a single study.

Avoid a Topic that’s too Narrow.

While trying to avoid broad topics, students should not make their topics too narrow.

A research study is all about data analysis. So when a topic is too narrow it becomes difficult to find or generate enough information to carry out any meaningful research.

Choose a Manageable Topic.

Students usually fall into the error of being carried away by their topics.

A student might be too passionate about a topic that he/she may try to cover the field.

To avoid biting more than you can chew, students should limit the topic of their study.

Avoid High-Cost Topics.

Research studies require huge resources to carry them out. Some researches cost much more in terms of time and resources to pull them off.

Unless you have the time and resources to pull it off, avoid high-cost topics.

Research studies have a time frame within which they must be carried out.

Students should, therefore, stick with research topics that can be completed within a short time.

Choose a Topic with Available Materials.

The time to choose your research topic is not a time to be a hero. Stick with realistic topics to avoid being overwhelmed by the research.

Don’t try to impress your lecturers, friends, or your parents by delving into an area with scarce materials.


Your thesis topic determines the outcome of your research work. Taking the pains to research your thesis topic will ensure you’ll have less stress in writing it.

If you think choosing a good research topic is easy, think again. An easy sounding topic might turn out to be very difficult.

Once you settle on a thesis topic, it becomes a guide for every other thing that follows. So make sure to get it right before you embark on that journey.





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